Carl Hinrichs from Fleetwood, PA United States
This is a fine film up until the captain of the 'Marie Ange' and his crew disappear from the film.They give wonderful performances.After that it is strictly a 'B' movie with too much unlikely stupidity.The captain allows himself to be shot for no reason,the lover and heroine allow themselves to be trapped by the killer for no reason,the killer allows the lover and heroine to take his gun from him,the killer allows the heroine to take his wallet from him,the police walk away and allow the heroine to die alone on the pavement.A lot of baloney is written about how hard it was for the French to make films during the war years.After the war was quickly settled and the French had established the good new Vichy government the French continued to make films exactly the same as they were making them before the war;with huge casts of extras and no production problems except possibly when some of the moviemakers in Paris were liaisoning with their commie comrades in the south.
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April 5, 2020
Owen Field from Chicago, IL United States