Carl Hinrichs from Fleetwood, PA United States
This is undoubtedly one of the greatest films ever made!
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Voici le Temps des Assassins (1957)
September 16, 2018
paul zaich from Stockton, CA United States
It was difficult to locate this movie on DVD with English subtitles. Picture quality is very good.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Voici Le Temps des Assassins (1957)
November 23, 2014
Jefty from the Black Board from Charlotte, NC United States
The film is a revelation...not only for the great Paris market scenes around Gabin's Restaurant but the for the role of Catherine(Delorme). None of the American Femme Fatales including Marie Windsor as Mrs Peaty( The Killing) Diane Jessup (Jean Peters) " Angel Face" or even Phyllis Dietrichson( Barbara Stanwyck) "Double Indemnity" have anything on the embodiment of pernicious evil that is Catherine who has become the instrument, the lethal puppet of her world weary and warped slattern of a mother, Gabrielle , equally well played by Lucienne Bogaert.