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Uncle Silas (The Inheritance) (1947) Jean Simmons, Katina Paxinou, Derrick De Marney
Uncle Silas (The Inheritance) (1947) Jean Simmons, Katina Paxinou, Derrick De Marney

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Product Code: UNC

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Caroline Ruthyn(Simmons)  is the teen-aged niece of the her Uncle Silas (De Marney), a sickly and, at one time, unbalanced man who becomes her guardian upon the death of her father. The fact that Silas is broke and greedy, and young Caroline is the heir to her father's great fortune, is reason enough for Caroline to be wary, but her fears escalate when she meets Silas's perverted son and discovers that her fearsome former governess, Madame de la Rougierre (Paxinou), is in league with her uncle.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 Katina Paxinou March 7, 2016
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Homestead, FL United States  
She is the main atraction in this movie, even when all the actors are very good.   I never have seen a "witch" character portrayed so convincingly as this one by Katina Paxinou.   Besides her performance, there is a good  plot (though I have not read Le Fanu's book) and an excellent gothic atmosphere capted by the photography.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Uncle Silas October 1, 2014
Reviewer: Santiago Rodriguez from Miami, FL United States  
Completely satisfied. Thanks!

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