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Una Vita Difficile (1962) Dino Risi; Alberto Sordi, Lea Massari
Una Vita Difficile (1962) Dino Risi; Alberto Sordi, Lea Massari

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: UNAV

This is a region-free DVD-R without case or artwork.

In Italian with English subtitles.

Comedian Alberto Sordi changes hats to play Silvio Magnozzi, a man so dedicated to his high moral standards that he loses out on most of the things he wants in life -including his wife. He watches while others march up the ladder of success ahead of him, sometimes by hypocritically licking the boots of their superiors or doing just anything at all to attain advancement. After his death grip on his principles causes his wife to walk out, Silvio relents and starts to live like others. Now he is supposedly happily residing on Easy Street, his wife is back -- so what's bugging him?

Average Rating: Average Rating: 4 of 5 4 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 Another Good Alberto Sordi Movie July 26, 2017
Reviewer: Chris Kuykendall from Austin, TX United States  
I'm only two-deep into his movies, but I'm becoming a fan of early 1960s Italian actor Alberto Sordi. His other movie I've seen, available on regular commercial DVD, is Mafioso (Italy, 1962). This one, the English title for which is A Difficult Life, was released a year earlier (Italy, 1961), and in its case the Movie Detective DVD-R is the only option presently. I enjoyed the film. Unfamiliarity with Italian history and politics proved to be only a minimal drawback for this U.S. viewer.

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