102,000 dead to the last man on Pacific Islands. Japanese decided to evacuate the 5200 soldiers from Kisca Island and did so.After watching dozens of 30's and 40's communist inspired Hollywood propaganda films maligning Japanese and Germans,I have yet to see one Japanese or German film which makes any invidious depictions of British,Americans,or Russians.Such as taking the pronunciation of the first two syllables of the German word for national and turning it into the communist propaganda word Nazi.National Socializmus a brilliant political program that resurrected Germany from the ashes left by the despicable Treaty of Versailles,uniting manual and intellectual workers in a German national community restoring economic health and prosperity,founding the Hitler Youth to get the young off the streets and playing sports,promoting physical health as the means to mental health,is now dismissed with one word Nazi.I doubt if most people who use the word Nazi even know where it comes from.