Robert Wallace from Mississauga, ON Canada
A rich, would-be artist enters into a relationship with an attractive, casually amoral teenage girl... Thinks he is calling the shots--does he have a lot to learn! Well-made film directed by Damiano Damiani, an Italian director with a solid body of work--a number of his other films are available on this site.
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June 2, 2017
Patrick Hunter from Panorama City, CA United States
Very fine anamorphic transfer with easy to read subtitles. Like other based on Moravia's stories, this is a tale of decadence and ennui (the film's title literally means "The Boredom")
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La Noia
February 15, 2015
Anonymous Person from Armadale, Victoria Australia
La Noia is one of many adaptations of Alberto Moravia's novels and stories that improve on the source. Moravia tended to labor his statements about his characters, repeating words and phrases. Directors have brought a much-needed economy to his work. La Noia is about a depressed artist whose affair with an indifferent girl is partly an attempt to escape his boredom. Director, cast and sets are all impressive. A well-paced, entertaining film. DVD is of excellent quality. Thanks again, MovieDetective.
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The Empty Canvas - complex love story
October 6, 2013
Anonymous Person from New York, NY United States
Film follows Moravia novel almost to the letter. Jazz score perfectly captures emotional turmoil. Horst Bucholz gives possibly his finest performance as the tortured protagonist. Isa Miranda, Georges Wilson and Lea Padovani are effective in supporting roles.