F. Hounder Clay from Reynoldsburg, OH United States
This is a masterpiece. A gem in every way. Very reminiscent to Ernst Lubitsch, in style and substance. But it's no rip-off. If this were a Lubitsch film, it would be his best mmovie, and I'm a big Lubitsch fan. Director Willi Forst was very creative. I look forward to re-watching this often. Great buy, great find, great print, great film. Buy it, you won't be disappointed.
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May 31, 2016
Richard Cady from Santa Fe, NM United States
This was a blind buy. I was curious to see Anton Walbrook – a favorite – in his pre-British career. Here he plays a turn-of-the-century Austrian bon vivant with utter wit and charm. The other actors – all new to me – inhabit their roles beautifully. It mostly plays out in public social occasions: balls, music hall cafes, opera houses. The movie isn't total fluff – it's chocolate bon-bon wrapped in some bitter sentiments. You may be reminded of some of the works of Max Ophuls. Indeed, there is a wonderfully exhilarating waltz sequence that advances through several rooms – beautifully edited so that it appears to be in one sweeping camera movement. Perfection! Highly recommended.