I bought 10 Sophia Loren movies from the 1950's that I could not find any where else. Not only are the movies beautiful, but they also have English subtitles, which are impossible to find with these old Italian films. You have so many more classics that I will be buying once I get through these 10 magnificent films! Grazie mille! ~R
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Not bad; worth it for those who haven't seen it
January 18, 2017
Patrick Hunter from Panorama City, CA United States
Some splices occur in a scene when Sophia takes her top off making one wonder if some projectionist cut out a few frames for himself from the print. Also, one can spot Italian subtitles that are bubbled out for the English ones in the scenes when German gets spoken. Otherwise, this is an acceptable anamorphic transfer of the drama.