5 stars
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5 stars
April 5, 2020
Owen Field from Chicago, IL United States
5 stars
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March 10, 2020
Anonymous Person from Fleetwood, PA United States
A marvelous complex whodunit that could have been rated a classic except for a few flaws.Don't read this unless you want to know beforehand who done it.I can't accept the inspectors needlessly provoking a gun battle in a crowded night club,unless he wanted to eliminate the eyewitnesses to the murder committed by his girlfriend,which he did accomplish.This was probably done by the director to give the impression that they were going to go their merry way together.But I guess in French cinema at that time,as in the US,the guilty had to pay at the end.Soon afterwards he arrests her himself,assuring her that she will only get 5 years probation.She followed her lover and premeditatedly shot him in the back 3 times from a moving car because he was leaving her.The administration of the law was quite different in France than in the US,but to hope for such a sentence seems too extraordinary.Especially since shortly before he had promised a thieving young girl a long prison sentence.